
Makers’ Film Festival

with Maker & Smith

The Makers’ Film Festival (MFF) is an international short film festival with a focus on craft – makers, making and materials.

The 2024 edition (MFF24) features 14 films from 8 countries including collaborations from Australia, Canada, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, United Kingdom, and USA.

Selected from a worldwide call out, the final set of films includes a wide variety of genres as well as craft practices and materials from organic fashion to incense-making, terrazzo tiles to glass, ceramics and automata, to name a few.

The 1 hour 45 minute program includes a 20-minute interval.

For questions about this event please contact the organiser.

Maker & Smith is an independent partnership of Carola Akindele-Obe and Mary Ellen Cliff based in Perth and Denmark in Western Australia (WA). We support the WA craft sector by promoting and encouraging the professional skills of craftspeople and designer-makers through a Makers’ Directory, workshops, masterclasses, talks and an international short film festival about craft. We also contribute to major initiatives such as the Indian Ocean Craft Triennial (IOTA).

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